Building The Canadian Dream Package - 3 Essays

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Peace-based Economy

Peace is not sign of weakness, just as violence is not a sign of strength. Peace
requires strength, self-restraint, discipline, and a pursuit of genuine self-interest.

Canada has successfully achieved a peaceful, free and Just Society where
Compassion is a governing principle.

A simple decision to strategically and intentionally move towards a Peace-based economy would be a strong statement to the world and an assertion of our Core Values.

The energetic pursuit of a select group of economic bases could bring
rapid economic growth while providing the means for sharing our Methods,
Values and Culture through the mechanisms of a new futuristic economy that
excludes the need for bloodshed from the pursuit of large-scale economic gain.
We can prove that Peace Pays more [and better] than war.

Canada is a world leader in a number of critical areas: education; alternative
energy technologies and research; environmental and ecological solutions;
scientific research and applications that are peaceful; diplomacy and
jurisprudence; legislative responsibility; high-tech communications and media;
policing and law enforcement; the Arts and entertainment; agriculture;
management and administration; Human Relations.

Policies could be easily introduced that are Global in magnitude that support and reward the development and worldwide distribution of these things that characterize us as a People and unify us as a Nation. Consider the following...

NOTE - This is an excerpt from the essay The Future: Peace Pays [Exploring The Canadian Identity] on this site.


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